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Jiangxi Science and Technology Awards Conference

浏览次数: 日期:2017-09-14

On Tuesday, September 12, 2017, the Jiangxi Science and Technology Awards Conference was held at the Jiangxi Provincial Government Conference Center. Professor Wang Xiaolei and Professor Xin Hongbo's research project “Cross-application of microbiology and nanotechnology” won the second prize of the 2016 Jiangxi Natural Science Award. This is the second time that our institute won the first prize of the “Jiangxi Natural Science Award” in 2014.

This project systematically explores the interaction of microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) with various biomedical nanomaterials, related work in Advanced Materials (IF=19.791), ACS nano (IF=13.942), Advanced Functional Materials (IF=12.124), etc. The high-level one-region international journal was published, with a total citation number of more than 500 times, which was widely recognized by international/domestic peer experts and the media. The main research contents of this subject include two aspects. Firstly, in-depth study of the role of nanomaterials on microorganisms, on the other hand, is the highlight of this series of work, that is, through the reverse thinking, to explore the use of microorganisms to construct functional biomedical nanodevices.

The development of modern medicine is inseparable from the support of various types of biomedical materials. The infection problems caused by various microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) are the key issues that biomedical materials cannot ignore. Therefore, studying the interaction and intrinsic relationship between various microorganisms and biological nanomaterials plays a very important role in the development of current biomedical technology.

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